Dream - Emotion

Thursday, September 1, 2011

They say that dream can show your state of mind, especially if you can remember the feeling when you having that dream.

Today, I had this dream :

"I was at the factory and everyone(someone that i know but not a friend) is busy doing their work. I came as a visitor with my friend(a man but I dont remember his face) so I didnt know to do anything. They are too busy that they ignore me so I do things on my own. However what I did is wrong, I got scared and angry too, as they being so cold and didnt help me. I decide to go somewhere else and ask of the cost of the damaged product. To my surprise, she said, its ok, I dont have to. After out from that factory, I had to climb a very high and unstable natural stairs. Every steps that I took make the stairs to crumble, likely to fall. My boyfriend and my friends can make it. He waits for me at the end of the stairs. Somehow, I give up as I almost fall down, so he climbs down, stay with me until I feel ok again. And I feel happy, he will take my hand and encourage me to climb again. During the climb, I really afraid and keep out of breath. I was so tired, dont have stamina to climb anymore but he was there, at the top of the stairs, waiting, smiling at me. Finally I make it. I walk to my school, went to my class, neglecting bossy prefects. My other classmate was hiding from the prefects. After all the prefects went away, my classmate come out and we about to have a fight with others school. I also involve in a fight. I had an embarrassing moment and my opponent (3boys) laugh at me. I change my clothes and keep fighting. I'm not a good fighter so I dont know if I can win. Nevertheless I still fighting until the teachers came and break the fight."

When I wake up, I remember the scary feeling when I lost my stamina as I climb the stairs. Then I decide to do something that I have in my mind for quiet sometime. Jogging. But because I didnt jog for a long time, so I start with a walk for 20 minutes. I want to keep doing it after this.

I feel weird thinking about the guy that  help me because it seems that I always rebel towards him, always sulking but he stay with me no matter what. If only there is someone like that in my life right now, I'll be lucky.